Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Finished...

Well, today I have finished reading the first Chronicles of Brothers: "The Fall of Lucifer". This book is AWESOME!!! you have to read it... the way the author (Wendy Alec) describes everything, and the details it just gets you instantly hooked on the book. It took me 1 week to read the book, cuz I had to put it down to do stuff at school and stuff at home, but if I didn't have to do anything, I probably would have finished the book in 1 or 2 days. While reading, I can feel and imagine everything that the book says because of the authors way of describing and detailing everything! So Seriously, go get the book and read it! Look at my previous blog post to read about all the other books of The Chronicles of Brothers and you can go to info on the author, the books and other things. Someone needs to get me the second book for my birthday called "Messiah - The First Judgement" by Wendy Alec. My birthday is September 30 by the way.... so yeah... that is all!

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